To build an apocalypse scene start with: First stage of project is to find and refine source photos of destruction references connected with our subject … search key word is destroyed, rubble, bombed and etc. you can find very nice pics for free, just look around! Now we select finded materials and search useful areas of destrucion on photos and composite it with our source. But first we must correct the perspective with standard transform tools in Photoshop like scale, rotate, skew and etc. Next step is to do a ground from green grass. This process its very easy to do, i use some changes in Hue and Saturation value and sharpness of image to expose mud. As you know in Net you can find very nice pics for free and composite them in to our image like this hole. Sometimes image not have only one element to composite, like this below shows the birds and clouds. In this case I use clouds to make smoke from factory shaft. This is the end stage of project with glass shattered window frame. Final Photoshop compositing have 32 different layers with various blending types. Almost whole work is done in Photoshop except, color correction and sun lens effect which I create in Eyeon Digital Fusion a full-featured, node-based compositing system with Knoll Light Factory plugin.

Touching up photos is fun and easy, follow these simple steps to learn how to make a black and white photo. Start by choosing the photo you want to convert to Black and White, any size, background or quality is cool. Go to Image – Adjustments – Black and White. Ok, now this menu will show up, you’ll have to change all the values depending on your photo’s color. Take your time to make the best contrast possible. The following settings are just an example. Now that you have finished with the Black and White, we’re going to make some manual shadows and highlights to make the photo more stunning. Grab the Burn tool. Set the master Diameter Settings depending on your photo’s size. Now make some exaggerated shadows. We made this to make like a visual impact. Now, grab the Dodge Tool. (you can find the dodge tool making right click in the Burn Tool) Make some highlights (of course, in the parts you didn’t make shadows) Finally, the last touch.Go to Filter – Sharpen – Unsharp Mask. And put just a little bit of sharp, enough to make the image a little stronger. And its done! Your stunning Professional Black And White Photo in Photoshop CS3 is finished.

Brightness/Contrast is a super important technique in photo manipulation. You can alter the complete mood of photos with brightness and contrast. I will demonstrate how. First get a picture of anything in the world you want. ANYTHING! Now go to Imageandgt; Apply Image and apply your image on a new layer. Then go to Imageandgt; Adjustmentsandgt; Brightness/Contrast. Then mess around with the settings. I tend to make the lower the brightness and raise the contrast. But see what is best for your picture. After applying Brightness/Contrast/ Do you see the changes? I sure do. I completely changed the mood of the picture with Brightness/Contrast. So as you can tell this is a very important and helpful piece of Photo manipulation.

There is only two things you have too know about the ExtendScript Toolkit program right now: Select target application, ExtendScript must know which application you are writing the script for. In the top left dropdown menu select Adobe Photoshop CS2 and if asked if you want top start it choose yes. Running script, to run a script you have written you press the button that looks like a play button. Reference documentsAll objects have different properties that can be set and methods that can be executed and right now you probably don’t know any of these, this is where the reference documents come in. The reference document for JavaScript contains information about all objects available in your scripts.

Start with a blank photoshop document of size 1024*768 and white background. Choose the brush andquot;rough round bristleandquot; from the toolbar. Create a new layer and draw some lines. Right click on the new layer and choose andquot;blending optionsandquot;. Choose the values. DROP SHADOW INNER GLOW BEVEL AND EMBOSS; For andquot;textureandquot;, choose andquot;satinandquot; as the pattern. TEXTURE Now add some motion blur to this layer from filters andgt; blur andgt; motion blur. Similarly, add gaussian blur also to this layer with the radius around 72. Not so catchy yet. Well try this. Change the background color of the default layer as black by choosing Edit andgt; Fill from menu. Now look at the output. Ahh, that looks much better, isn’t it ? You can add some text to this texturized background if you wish.

As with many applications, working in Photoshop can be made far easier and more efficient by using keyboard shortcuts.Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N New layer Ctrl/Cmd + J Duplicate current layeR. Here are a few useful shortcuts: Ctrl/Cmd + [ Move layer downwards Ctrl/Cmd + ] Move layer upwards Ctrl/Cmd + E Merge linked layers Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E Merge visible layers Ctrl/Cmd + A Select all Ctrl/Cmd + D Deselect Ctrl/Cmd + L Levels Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L Auto levels Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Alt + L Auto contrast Ctrl/Cmd + M Curves Ctrl/Cmd + I Invert colours Ctrl/Cmd + Z Undo Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Z Step back in history Ctrl/Cmd + F Apply last used filter Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + X Liquify tool Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Shift + X Pattern tool

Our eyes can sometimes deveive us. Everyone’s eyes see slightly different colors. One person will see a purple color, while another will see a blue. Those that are colorblind cannot distinquish some colors from another. While we see it to be a good skintone, it may not be seen as one to someone else. Also, depending on the monitor that you own, you may see a different color than other computers. Making pallettes straight from photos heightness the chance greatly of realistic, more accurate works. Also, these color pallettes are used professionally. Those who work with color correction use this to help them with their vocations. Even the printing press use this. You can also take colors from the lips, eyes and hair to help with realistic color of those. You would use it the same way as you did for the skin. Finding the darkest, the midtone, and the lightest before creating a pallette to use.